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Solo and Small Firm Annual Conference - 2021

The Solo and Small Firm Section presents

Solo and Small Firm Annual Conference - 2021

Larger than Coronavirus

Date Thursday, January 28, 2021
MCLE Registration 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Program 12:00 -  4:45 p.m.
Reception 4:45 - 5:30 p.m. 
MCLE 3 Hours of which 1.5 Hours is in Legal Ethics 

BASF’s Solo & Small Firm Section invites you to join us for its 5th Annual Conference, which is a virtual event in light of the various shelter-in-place orders.

This year’s conference will offer several diverse CLE programs covering topics such as law firm management, remote practice tools, legal ethics, employment/HR issues during COVID-19, client diversity and marketing, and litigation funding.

The majority of attorneys in the Bay Area are part of the BASF community, which is a pillar of the legal profession representing individuals and organizations in nearly every imaginable type of legal matter and area of the law.  

Keynote Speaker
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. - No MCLE provided.

Stephanie Everett


Stephanie Everett leads the Lawyerist community and Lawyerist Lab. She is the co-author of Lawyerist's popular book The Small Firm Roadmap and is a regular keynote speaker at legal conferences and CLEs. Stephanie practiced at a big law firm for five years before co-founding her own firm.

SESSION I: Litigation Finance and Law Firm Funding History, Options, and Ethics for Solo Practitioners and Small Firms
1:15 - 2:15 p.m. - MCLE: 1 Hour of which 0.5 is in Legal Ethics


Matthew Harrison
Omni Bridgeway
Michael J. Swanson
Advocate Capital, Inc.


Jason Wolford
Wolford-Wayne LLP


  • Short history of litigation finance and other sources law firm funding
  • Litigation Funding and Other Innovative Finance Options for Solos and Small Firms
  • Legal Ethical Issues in Litigation Finance
  • The Future of Litigation Funding


SESSION II: Law in the Time of Covid: How small firms can compete and excel
1:15 - 2:15 p.m. - No MCLE provided.


Kate Karas
Chime Bank
Diana Iketani Iorlano
Iketani Law Corporation


Donald S. Davidson
Law Office of
Donald S. Davidson
Richard J. Zuromski, Jr.
Zuromski Law Office


How solo and small firms can use their size to their advantage in winning clients and cases in the current pandemic

Law in the time of Coronavirus. We will discuss transitioning from Big Law to the solo/small firm world and what challenges and advantages the current pandemic lockdowns have raised. We will explore how to leverage technology and how the current environment can actually help us compete with our less nimble BigLaw competitors. Finally, we will discuss some of the unique limitations and ethical constraints for small firms.

SESSION III: Ethical Issues in a Borderless, Digital World
2:30 - 3:30 p.m. - MCLE: 1 Hour in Legal Ethics


Kendra Basner
O'Reilly & Roche
Adam Koss
Koss Firm
Anthony Radogna
Law Offices of
Anthony Radogna


Laura Gibble

This presentation will address two cutting edge issues being discussed nationwide among ethics lawyers and state bar defense counsel which directly impact solo and small firm attorneys.

First, attorneys are leaving their brick and mortar office spaces behind for a virtual practice, particularly in the new “work from home.” Some lawyers have even left their home state all together, or at least indefinitely. However, working from one state, while servicing clients and applying law in another, can have ethical implications and even subject a lawyer to claims of unauthorized practice of law if the lawyer is not careful. This panel will address ethical concerns involved with remote practice, including but not limited to, UPL and MJP concerns.

Second, there is a proliferation of discussion regarding attorney referral and advertising websites, with the most high profile being recent litigation by the State Bar against LegalMatch, which has since been deemed on official “Lawyer Referral Service” by the State Bar. The State Bar has taken the position that a lawyer‘s payment for these services to non-certified Lawyer Referral Services constitutes impermissible fee sharing with non-lawyers, or at least greatly curtailed, by the Rules of Professional Conduct. Currently, the State Bar is in the process of changing some of the rules which prohibit lawyers from paying a referral fee or otherwise sharing fees with non-lawyers, with more changes on the horizon that may impact an attorney’s marketing strategy.

This program will review the current state of the law, as well as potential further changes, and provide practical advice from respondent’s counsel, who has been defending lawyers from disciplinary charges brought by the State Bar.


  • Ethical implications of remote work and virtual law offices, particularly when working in other states
  • Recent development with referral services, attorney advertising, and sharing fees with non-lawyers
  • State Bar stance on these cutting edge issues
  • Further changes being considered by the Bar

SESSION IV: 50 Great Ideas in to Help Your Solo & Small Firm Take Off This Year!
2:30 - 3:30 p.m. - No MCLE provided.


Anthony Chiosso
Chiosso Law
Rose-Ellen Fairgrieve
Fairgrieve Law
 Matthew Gluck
Gluck Daniel
 Lindsey Mignano
Smith Shapourian Mignano


Albert L. Thuesen III
Coit Law Group

We will have five of our long standing members go through a round-table format of the 50 best tips, tools, tricks and hacks we all use to enhance our thriving practices in this challenging environment. Do not miss it. You are guaranteed to learn 5 new tips for your practice.


  • Recommendations on the subscription software your office needs
  • Tips on what hardware you should have: especially in your home office
  • On the go? What tools can be accessed from anywhere at any time
  • Overview of the services, programs, software and tools you need

SESSION V: Get to Work! What Does That Mean in the Era of COVID?
3:45 - 4:45 p.m. - MCLE: 1 Hour


Rose-Ellen Fairgrieve
Fairgrieve Law
Mark Peters
Duckworth & Peters


Brittny Bottorff
Insight Counsel


  • When, how, and if an employer can force employees to return to the workplace
  • Navigating protected leave issues
  • How to avoid COVID-related claims and lawsuits
  • Remote workforce issues (e.g. tracking overtime and rest breaks, cybersecurity, and privacy)
  • How to comply with new federal and state COVID-related laws and regulations

SESSION VI: Step Up or Step Aside: Which Lawyers Get The Business?
3:45 - 4:45 p.m. - No MCLE provided.


Beatrice Stonebanks
Jaco Grobbelaar
Broad Vision Marketing
Bruce Lunde
5 Happiness


Phyllis Simon
Weill & Mazer

How changes in sales and marketing are affecting the legal sector

COVID 19 and other market dynamics are affecting the way that lawyers get business. This panel will discuss pricing strategies, website relevance, compliance and security, and will help lawyers understand how to get recognized as a legal expert.


  • How to set a pricing strategy to increase revenues in your sweet spot
  • How to keep your website relevant, compliant and secure
  • How to get recognized online as the legal expert in your field

4:45 - 5:30 p.m.

(As of 1/22/2020)


Help 'em Soar Benefactor

Subscribe to their Success


Solo/Small Friend Partner
Burke Family Law
Gluck Daniel
Renaker Hasselman Scott
Seifert Law Firm
Taran Law
Westlaw - Thomson Reuters
Zarate Dulany Law, P.C.
Zahner Legal Support




Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Email

For a printable sponsorship form, click here.


Event Code: G212802

For a printable flyer, click here

For similar events, click here.


 $5 BASF Law Student
 $50 Section Member
 $90 BASF Member
 $110 Nonmember
  Join or Renew Today and Save!


To Register

  1. Sign-in to your account and select Register Myself at the bottom of the page.
    • Use Forgot Username or Forgot Password if you don't know your account information. Don't have an account? Select Create Account
  2. Once signed in, click the Add button to select the desired option(s).
  3. Select Proceed to Checkout to enter payment information, submit your order and complete the registration process.

Conference Access

Conference Access Link will be sent in a separate email within 24 hours prior to the start of the event. If you do not receive login credentials, please double check your Spam Folder. If you have any trouble, please contact as soon as possible before the program starts so we can assist with troubleshooting. You may need to consult your local IT technician for connection issues.

MCLE Notice

To receive MCLE credit, you must sign in during the designated MCLE registration period. This activity is approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of California. BASF is a certified provider: Provider #103


People with disabilities and/or special requests should contact BASF regarding reasonable accommodations.

1/28/2021 12:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Online Only CA


Thursday, 28 January 2021

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
1/28/2021 12:00 PM

Litigation Finance and Law Firm Funding History, Options, and Ethics for Solo Practitioners and Small Firms
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
1/28/2021 1:15 PM

Litigation Finance and Law Firm Funding History, Options, and Ethics for Solo Practitioners and Small Firms
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
1/28/2021 1:15 PM

Law in the Time of Covid: How small firms can compete and excel
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
1/28/2021 1:15 PM

Ethical Issues in a Borderless, Digital World
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
1/28/2021 2:30 PM

50 Great Ideas in to Help Your Solo & Small Firm Take Off This Year!
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
1/28/2021 2:30 PM

Get to Work! What Does That Mean in the Era of COVID?
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
1/28/2021 3:45 PM

Step Up or Step Aside: Which Lawyers Get The Business?
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
1/28/2021 3:45 PM